I am home safe and sound! I first made it back into the States around 6:00 p.m. Saturday evening. When I went through customs, the attendant handed me back my passport and said "Welcome home." She almost made me cry! And then I went out into the airport and didn't feel "at home" at all. First of all, there were people speaking Spanish, which didn't make me feel like I was in "America". But I realized that even having people speaking English all around me did not seem "normal". After spending three months in Brazil, I found that I had grown accustomed to hearing Portuguese all the time. Surprisingly, I felt out of my comfort zone still, and even kept my ring turned around....
One the way home, I was able to talk with a Morman woman sitting beside me. (yes, when I first found out she was Morman, I was a little intimidated...but God is good - He provided the words to say!) We discussed the differences between our faith and why we believe what we believe. During some turbulence, she turned to me and commented on how scary it was. I said that I was totally at peace because I knew that 1) God was holding me in His hand, 2) He had a perfect plan for my life and I did not need to worry 3) I knew where I would go if we were to crash. Her expression changed as she began to think about that. We were then able to talk about the peace that comes from knowing that God will take care of us. Please pray for Lindsey and that she continues to think about what we talked about!
And FINALLY, after a fairly uneventful trip, I arrived in Columbus at 11:30 p.m. and was greeted by my family, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousin, as well as one of my best friends, JENAYE, and her family! Wow! What a greeting! Then, when pulled into the driveway of my house, I saw that another best friend, ALICIA, was waiting with Krispy Kream doughnuts!! (and her bedtime is at 9:30, so coming to my house at 12:00 with doughnuts was quite the surprise!) It is wonderful to see my family and friends again! My youngest sister is glad to have me home again so that she isn't so lonely being the only girl. There are many people I have yet to see, and I am anxiously awaiting a time to visit! I am still counting down the days to see my fiance...
Although the trees are beautiful, the air is a little colder than I would have liked. :) I am adjusting though... slowly but surely... I am finishing up my portfolio and then will be a REAL TEACHER! Yes, that does make me feel old...
I am now serving as the freshman cheerleading coach and hoping to get a substitute position. I am praying that God will open and close doors as He reveals His plan for the next few months!
Yes, I am also back into the wedding planning! Just a little over eight months to go!!!!!
Thank you so very much for your faithful prayers and thoughtful notes over the past three months. It meant so much to know that people were taking the time out of their day to read my blog, and it was so encouraging to know that people were praying for me! I truly appreciate it more than I could ever express!
I am looking forward to seeing those whom I have not yet seen! Thank you again for your prayers!
Serving HIM in OHIO and wherever He takes me,
Alicia "welcomes me back to America" with Krispy Kream doughnuts!
Teaching "Who is the King of the Jungle" in chapel

Me and my cooperating teacher outside our classroom
A fellow student-teacher who will be taking over my classroom
My precious students giving me the cards that they made
Precious first graders: Lucas and Stacy