Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jehovah Jireh - My Provider

I've been gone for 8 weeks. It's hard to believe! My time left in Brazil is becoming shorter and shorter! I am having a WONDERFUL time, but after 8 weeks, I am realizing that there are some things that I am missing:

  1. pizza
  2. real cheeseburgers (who would have thought I would have put those two foods down?!)
  3. homemade cookies (mainly chocolate chip, but any kind would do)
  4. seedless grapes (grapes here are no fun at all!)
  5. dinners with my family
  6. dinners with friends at Cedarville (yes, even at Chuck's)
  7. picking up my cell phone to call Alicia just to tell her that it's 10:49 (ha!)
  8. driving (Cass you may need to reteach me!)
  9. feeling safe on the road... I actually forget what it's like...
  10. going out without turning my ring around and praying that no one notices my blond hair
  11. scanning my room for any unwelcomed guests every time I enter
  12. talking with friends or family without waiting until 7:00 and praying that they are on Skype and that I have internet and that Skype is working, etc.
  13. Cedarville intramural games (DRATER & Frolickers!)
  14. going out with friends - people my age
  15. talking with a sister or roommate right before bed
  16. a certain guy out in D.C.

While I have days when it is hard to be excited to be here in Brazil, God has been faithful in showing Himself, continuing to give me peace, giving me strength, and giving me encouragement through joyful situations. Here are some good stories:

Last week during a Bible lesson, I had written some words on the board that the students had given in response to a question I had asked. After we had a complete list, I asked them which word would answer the question in our book. Some of the students immediately began translating for the first grade girl who speaks no English. I looked at the words and realized that I knew many of them in Portuguese/Spanish. I began to translate as well. When they realized what I was doing, the students stopped talking. After I finished, they were silent. My Portuguese speaking ability left them speechless! :) (Porque eu no fala Portuguese....I don't speak Portuguese!) Pedro immediately stood up and applauded me, genuinely saying, "Good job, Miss Herbst!" I was very pleased with myself! :)

Random quote from my favorite director/principal:

In Belem, it rains on the just and the unjust. However, it rains more on the just because the unjust have taken away my umbrella. - Dr. Underwood

Today in Bible, we were talking about Daniel. We reviewed what we talked about yesterday - Daniel in the lions' den. This is how it went:

Miss Herbst: So, the king told the people that they could only pray to him and not God. Daniel said, "Okay."

Students: NO! He prayed only to God!

Miss Herbst: Oh! And so Daniel prayed only to God. The king said, "That's okay."

Students: NO! He was mad! He threw him in with the lions!

Miss Herbst: Oh! So Daniel was thrown into the lions' den and the lions ate him all up, right?

Students: NO! God shut the lions' mouths!

Miss Herbst: Wow! God kept him safe!

Arthur: Is Daniel alive today?

Stacy: (jumps up) Yes! He's alive in heaven with God!

Miss Herbst: Yes! And someday we will see him and we can ask him what it was like to be in a den with the lions!

Stacy: And Noah will be there!

Miss Herbst: Yes! And we can ask him what it was like to live on an ark with all those stinky animals!

Students all begin shouting out Bible characters whom they will see in heaven.

Miss Herbst: Yes, we will see all of those people in heaven and will hear all of their stories!

Stacy: Yay! I can't wait! We can sit and listen to stories all day!

Wow! It was so cool to be a part of this discussion this morning! I remember being somewhat afraid of heaven when I was young. The thought of living eternally was somewhat of a frightening thought. It was so neat to see all of the students excited to go to heaven! I was then able to share how you are able to get to heaven! While most of the kids are in Christian homes, there are some that are not. I was able to share the Gospel message in my class today! How cool!

And now my favorite story from the past week:

During the opening in the morning (when we talk about the calendar, count money, talk about how many days we've been in school, pracitce the Bible verse, sing a song, etc.), precious Stacy (who else :) called me and motioned me to come over. Although I was in the middle of talking, I couldn't resist. I walked over to her desk and leaned down to her level. She leaned close and whispered, "Miss Herbst, I love you." Aaaahhhh!! My heart melted! Now can you understand why it's so hard not to have favorites?

God is good! He is bringing little situations and precious children into my life to fill me with joy and help me through the hard days!

Thanks so much for your continued prayers!

Serving a good God in Brazil,


-Sorry, D - the picture wouldn't post...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Over half-way!

Last Saturday, I realized that I was half-way into my experience. I was sad at thinking that I was already half-way done! I thought about my time here, what I have accomplished, and how God has been working in my life, and thought about what I still needed to do before I left. It is so amazing to see how God has been working in my life during my time here, and I am excited to see how He will use these experiences to prepare me for the future!

This past week, I realized that I am kinda getting in a rut. In case you are interested, this is my schedule for each day:
5:45 - get up with the rooster
6:30 - arrive at school to do some last minute preps
7:00 - teacher prayer meeting

7:30 - school starts
10:00 - "meranda" - snack/recess for students AND teachers :)
11:55 - lunch (most students go home to eat with their families

12:45 - back to school
2:45 - students leave

3:00 - 5:45-ish - lesson planning/grading/clean classroom
6:00 - dinner
7:15 - devotions, then to the library to check e-mail, update blog, chat on skype, etc...

10:00-ish - (on a good night when my fiance doesn't keep me up talking.... :) back to my cozy little room for bed
It's getting harder and harder to motivate myself to come up with creative lesson plans and activities. I still have 5 weeks left and know that I need to finish strong, all the way through!

Last Friday, I had quite the day. It began by meeting AUNT KATHY at the airport at 4:30 in the morning! Then, I came back for the beginning of the school day. I had the privilege of speaking in the high school/junior high chapel. I talked about planning for the future, and things I have learned so far. I talked about coming to Brazil, surrender, listening to God, and trusting and obeying Him. I think it went well (I hope they thought so too!) From chapel, I went back and taught a math lesson during which I was observed by my supervisor. Right after school, I had parent-teacher conferences. Most of them were in Portuguese, which made it interesting. I was actually pleasantly surprised by how much I understood! It definitely helps, though, if you know the context and understand a bit of Spanish. I mostly spoke through my teacher. It will be interesting to actually do these conferences on my own someday! My teacher said I did well, which was encouraging. I was so nervous! Wow! What a day! I was glad when the stress was behind me and I could relax. Through all of the events of the day, God truly blessed me with the "peace that passes all understanding." Praise HIM!
As I mentioned before, last week I had the privilege of hosting a guest! AUNT KATHY was willing to come down and visit for a few days! We had a wonderful time!

She arrived on Friday morning (4:20 am), and I let her sleep until lunch. After school, we went to the mall with some of the other teachers. She brought lots of things from my parents, including PIZZA SAUCE for me to add to my pizza. :) Thanks, MOM AND DAD!! :)

On Saturday, we had breakfast at a nice hotel and then went on a private tour of the city. It began at the Museo (or zoo), where I have been before. Our guide was a biologist who knew all of the plants and animals. He was even able to talk to the animals and call them to come closer to us. It was the craziest thing! We then went to the Basilica de Nossa Senhora de Nazare (Our Lady of Nazareth) Catholic church. Every October, they hold a large festival here. A small statue of Mary is paraded through the streets, and ends its journey at this church. I have heard it is quite the event. I am hoping to see part of the parade while I am here. We then traveled over to
Ver-o-Peso, an outdoor market, where every fruit and vegetable grown in Brazil is sold. They also have special "remedies" for the most random things. One in particular could be put in someone's food or perfume/cologne to help calm them down. Interesting....
[from our boat - the city of Belem] Next, we continued our tour on the Amazon (which actually wasn't the Amazon at all, but another rive that meets up with the Amazon.... slightly disappointing, but I wouldn't have known if they didn't tell me.... I was in a boat in Brazil! It was still cool!). We took a boat to an island where we had lunch, then went on a hike through the jungle. So, here I am in my flip-flops, hiking through the jungle.... it was quite the experience. We stopped at a small local home where the owners were making acai, my favorite drink. :)

[making acai shown at right]

They brought out their parrot and let us hold it. Then they put some bananas on the bottom limbs of trees which convinced the monkeys to climb down for pictures! One of the owners cut up a Brazil nut for us to try. The whole time I was praying that God would keep us safe. Not only were we in the jungle, but we were eating food that had not been washed with a 30 year old knife that has probably been used on everything and most likely hasn't been washed either.... Praise HIM for His protection! [from our boat - the restaurant where we ate and the jungle where we hiked]

*cutting up a Brazil nut. The chickens (there were probably 30) were fighting for pieces too..... this didn't make me feel very good.... but I haven't gotten sick yet! :)

At the end of the our adventure, we convinced our guide to drop us off at the Docas, some nice restaurants on the river. These were once docks used to export rubber, but have since been converted into places to eat. At night it somewhat reminds me of Easton for some reason. (however it's not really similar...) Our guide not only helped us get there, but helped us order as well! It was a great ending to a great day full of adventures!
[a common river home]

Mimi? Baboon? Matika? Cromwell!!
I felt like I was at Lipo-Lipo..... (AEC!!! :) Oh, we had even gone into a fish market earlier that day, and I laughed out loud. I couldn't take a picutre because it wasn't safe to have my camera out, but I was thinking of you girls! :)

Thanks for all of your continued prayers and frequent notes of encouragement or updates! Let me know how you are doing!
Praising HIM in Brazil,

Monday, September 10, 2007

Cockroaches, Tarantulas and Ants! Oh my!

I have made it nearly 6 weaks without seeing bugs other than mosquitoes in my room. I have yet to get a bite from a fire ant and I have yet to see a tarantula. I am okay with the first. Surprisingly, I wouldn't mind seeing a tarantula. At least I thought so...

A few nights ago, two women staying in the guest house arrived in their room to find a tarantula on the ceiling. I was not pleased to hear this - not at all. I can handle looking at creepy-crawly things at the zoo. However, when they are in the room right next to mine... I just don't have a peace about that. I changed my mind about seeing a tarantula....

In my very first post, I wrote about killing two cockroaches. Believe it or not, I had not seen one since.... until this evening. I was walking down the hallway to my room after dinner. There was a large object on the floor in the middle of the hallway. By now, I just assume they are critters rather than hoping that they are leaves or something. For two seconds, I actually even hoped that it was a tarantula! Ha! However, I was met with something that was totally repulsive: a MASSIVE COCKROACH! I tried to step around it to get to my room. No, I was not about to step on it. With my previous experience of having to squish it multiple times (and this one being 4 times as large) and realizing that I had my favorite flip-flops on (and absolutely hate feeling the crunching under my foot), I decided to pass by it this time. (yes, you can laugh at me now...) In the process of stepping around it, I scared it (surprise! I'm 1000 times bigger than it!). It scampered away.... under the door to the bedroom beside me... whoops... I don't think anyone is staying there tonight... I hope no one is staying there tonight...

Someone sent me an e-mail last week about flying cockroaches. SICK! I have been praying about that ever since. I can handle things on the floor. However, when they are able to go around any way they please, my feelings change.... *HERBSTS and MAGEES - I get hot sweats, cold sweats, fingernail sensitivity, numb lips.... you name it, Bob. *

I thought I would spare you and not post a pictures of one of these lovely creatures. No, I have not taken a picture of one... And I am not exactly planning on it... :)

The student teacher hasn't been feeling super the past few days. I'm sure he would appreciate your prayers! I was reminded that I should be thanking God for the health that He has blessed me with during my 5 1/2 weeks here! Food has not bothered me (I have had very few things I do not like), the climate has not affected me, and I have yet to find something I'm allergic to. PRAISE HIM! How miserable it would be if I was feeling yucky. (D-that was for you :) He is also to be praised for His continual blessing of safety. Being a blond, white girl in a foreign country can oftentimes not been the greatest thing. The driving here is also a little crazier than I would prefer. However, He is holding me in His hand! I am blessed indeed!

Praising HIM in Brazil,

Sunday, September 2, 2007

One Month!

I apologize for the lack of posts the past week! Hopefully this will make up for it. :)

Last Saturday was my "one month anniversary"! :) It is so hard to believe that it has already been that long! Time flies when you're having fun! :)

Last Saturday, the "young teachers" went out to dinner at a nice restaurant right on the Amazon. (this included Trevor and Janelle - a young couple who have been here a year; Corinne - a teacher from Switzerland; and Dan - a student teacher from Liberty) We had some good Brazilian food and some good ice cream as well! It was nice to get off campus for a little bit and enjoy each other's company.

I have survived two weeks of full-time teaching! Monday's are a little tiring, but the rest of the week seems to go well. I'm getting closer and closer to being a real teacher! I love the kids more and more each day, and am realizing how hard it will be to leave them. Last Friday, Hannah wrote me this note on the chalkboard:

This week we studied teeth in science. We had a parent come in and talk about what their job as a dentist is all about. The kids loved it! They brought their toothbrushes in for some more hands-on learning. Here are some pictures to show just how much fun they had! I had the privilege of monitoring the boys' bathroom... They are hilarious and sometimes I forget that I'm supposed to be a teacher and correct them when they go a little too far... but there are times that I just can't help it! They crack me up! Each one is a trip-and-a-half... :) Someone keeps telling me that all this time around boys is God's way of preparing me for the future.... we'll just have to wait and see!

These kids did their best to impress our guest.

While they did get a bit silly when I pulled out the camera, they were working hard at making their pearly whites sparkle! *above, Andres, Pedro and Lucas * right, Pedro *

This is the "thank-you" card we gave to our special guest! It said "Muito Obrigado" (moitoo oh-bree-gah-doo = many thanks) on the inside where the students signed their names. They thought it was sweet! :)

After the dentist visit, they had art class. Another teacher comes each Wednesday. The kids love it, but can get easily out of hand....

Mateus shows that he can pay attention when doing something he enjoys. :)

Beatriz does her artwork while wearing the glove from the dentist :)

Last week, a missionary family from Grace Brethren in Columbus took me to Pizza Hut and bowling. I have been craving pizza for a little while now, and was really excited to accept their invitation! When they found out that I was marrying someone from Michigan, I was asked, "Don't you know the Bible says not to be unequally yoked?" I laughed and said I that they weren't the first to tell me... They were gracious and took me out anyway. :) I was disappointed to find, however, that the Pizza Hut here is not like the Pizza Hut I am familiar with. They still use very little sauce (sad day). The crust was not a greasy, which was nice, but it just wasn't the same. Nonetheless I was able to enjoy it. :) It was very thoughtful of them to ask me to join their family! It was nice to talk with people who are familiar with Columbus. I got a little taste of home. :)

I was not able to enjoy a day off last Monday as many of you were. However, our principal informed us that because we were doing such a good job, we could get Friday off! Well, Friday was a National holiday in Brazil - their Independence Day. :) I was hoping to take advantage of this time on the equator by enjoying a day at the pool. Did you know that it's possible to live on the equator yet become paler than when you first arrived? It's true. Sad, but true. (*D- Es cierto. Es la verdad.) However, I was dismayed to find that it was cloudy all day... I have been here for 5 weeks and have yet to see it cloudy for longer than 15 minutes... Today, I was blessed with some sunshine and was able to get a little bit of color. (don't worry, Aunt Lisa - I lathered up in lotion before I went out! :)

The other student teacher, Dan, and I taught an English conversation class on Saturday morning. After some last minute planning (like 10 minutes before class!), we talked about houses, homes, the difference, what they think is necessary to have in a house, and how they are different from those in the States. It went well! The students in this class are fluent for the most part, but are working on expanding their vocabulary and perfecting usage. Working with this level is great for me, for I don't have to know Portuguese... all I need is a dictionary for words they aren't able to explain! :)

This week we have parent-teacher conferences. I'm not exactly sure how that will work just yet. I would appreciate your prayers as I plan those and interact with the parents! Thanks!

Well, I'm off to get ready for bed. I hope all is well in the States!

Serving Him in Brazil,
