I apologize for the lack of posts the past week! Hopefully this will make up for it. :)
Last Saturday was my "one month anniversary"! :) It is so hard to believe that it has already been that long! Time flies when you're having fun! :)
Last Saturday, the "young teachers" went out to dinner at a nice restaurant right on the Amazon. (this included Trevor and Janelle - a young couple who have been here a year; Corinne - a teacher from Switzerland; and Dan - a student teacher from Liberty) We had some good Brazilian food and some good ice cream as well! It was nice to get off campus for a little bit and enjoy each other's company.
I have survived two weeks of full-time teaching! Monday's are a little tiring, but the rest of the week seems to go well. I'm getting closer and closer to being a real teacher! I love the kids more and more each day, and am realizing how hard it will be to leave them. Last Friday, Hannah wrote me this note on the chalkboard:
These kids did their best to impress our guest.
While they did get a bit silly when I pulled out the camera, they were working hard at making their pearly whites sparkle! *above, Andres, Pedro and Lucas * right, Pedro *
This is the "thank-you" card we gave to our special guest! It said "Muito Obrigado" (moitoo oh-bree-gah-doo = many thanks) on the inside where the students signed their names. They thought it was sweet! :)
After the dentist visit, they had art class. Another teacher comes each Wednesday. The kids love it, but can get easily out of hand....
Mateus shows that he can pay attention when doing something he enjoys. :)
Beatriz does her artwork while wearing the glove from the dentist :)
Last week, a missionary family from Grace Brethren in Columbus took me to Pizza Hut and bowling. I have been craving pizza for a little while now, and was really excited to accept their invitation! When they found out that I was marrying someone from Michigan, I was asked, "Don't you know the Bible says not to be unequally yoked?" I laughed and said I that they weren't the first to tell me... They were gracious and took me out anyway. :) I was disappointed to find, however, that the Pizza Hut here is not like the Pizza Hut I am familiar with. They still use very little sauce (sad day). The crust was not a greasy, which was nice, but it just wasn't the same. Nonetheless I was able to enjoy it. :) It was very thoughtful of them to ask me to join their family! It was nice to talk with people who are familiar with Columbus. I got a little taste of home. :)
I was not able to enjoy a day off last Monday as many of you were. However, our principal informed us that because we were doing such a good job, we could get Friday off! Well, Friday was a National holiday in Brazil - their Independence Day. :) I was hoping to take advantage of this time on the equator by enjoying a day at the pool. Did you know that it's possible to live on the equator yet become paler than when you first arrived? It's true. Sad, but true. (*D- Es cierto. Es la verdad.) However, I was dismayed to find that it was cloudy all day... I have been here for 5 weeks and have yet to see it cloudy for longer than 15 minutes... Today, I was blessed with some sunshine and was able to get a little bit of color. (don't worry, Aunt Lisa - I lathered up in lotion before I went out! :)
The other student teacher, Dan, and I taught an English conversation class on Saturday morning. After some last minute planning (like 10 minutes before class!), we talked about houses, homes, the difference, what they think is necessary to have in a house, and how they are different from those in the States. It went well! The students in this class are fluent for the most part, but are working on expanding their vocabulary and perfecting usage. Working with this level is great for me, for I don't have to know Portuguese... all I need is a dictionary for words they aren't able to explain! :)
This week we have parent-teacher conferences. I'm not exactly sure how that will work just yet. I would appreciate your prayers as I plan those and interact with the parents! Thanks!
Well, I'm off to get ready for bed. I hope all is well in the States!
Serving Him in Brazil,
1 comment:
A little confused...did you really post that last Sunday or are your dates off in Brazil? Or maybe its just me...:-)
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