Hello from BRAZIL! So much has happened within the past few days and I have been anxiously awaiting having some free time (and internet access!) to tell you about it! First of all, God is SO GOOD! I have yet to question my decision to come here, but been totally at peace knowing that this is where God wants me for this time.
*Please note: this post is rather lengthy and may need to be read in 2-3 sittings... just an FYI :)*
Last Wednesday was a long day as I left my house at 5:30 and spent 9 hours in Miami as I awaited my next flight. I had never flown alone, but all went well. On my first flight, there were two adorable little boys who were thrilled about going to Disney World. They kept me distracted and smiling as I left good ol' Columbus, Ohio. During the flight from Miami to Manaus, Brazil, we experienced quite a bit of turbulence. While others on the plane were truly scared for their lives, I had a total peace knowing that God had me in His hands. Never have I before felt so surrounded by prayers, felt so at peace in God's hand, and been so calm in such a situation! Thanks so much for your prayers! I knew that it was God's will that I be here, and I knew that He would get me here safely. "'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!"
I finally arrived in Belem at 4:30 am on Thursday morning after a long flight from Miami (where I had a 9 hour layover... and was greeted by four American teachers who were truly exciting to see me! What a welcome!
A huge praise is that I arrived with ALL OF MY LUGGAGE! In the spring, I heard of a student teacher who did not get her luggage the whole time she was overseas. That was a huge fear and something that I prayed about from the time I heard the story until the time I saw my bags in Belem! PRAISE HIM! After finally getting to the school and catching up on some sleep, I was thrown right into the teaching role! I helped my cooperating teacher prepare the classroom for the 12 first and second grade students we were expecting. We cleaned, organized, replaced old bulletin boards, prepared books and set up desks.
*Please note: this post is rather lengthy and may need to be read in 2-3 sittings... just an FYI :)*
Last Wednesday was a long day as I left my house at 5:30 and spent 9 hours in Miami as I awaited my next flight. I had never flown alone, but all went well. On my first flight, there were two adorable little boys who were thrilled about going to Disney World. They kept me distracted and smiling as I left good ol' Columbus, Ohio. During the flight from Miami to Manaus, Brazil, we experienced quite a bit of turbulence. While others on the plane were truly scared for their lives, I had a total peace knowing that God had me in His hands. Never have I before felt so surrounded by prayers, felt so at peace in God's hand, and been so calm in such a situation! Thanks so much for your prayers! I knew that it was God's will that I be here, and I knew that He would get me here safely. "'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!"
I finally arrived in Belem at 4:30 am on Thursday morning after a long flight from Miami (where I had a 9 hour layover... and was greeted by four American teachers who were truly exciting to see me! What a welcome!
Above: the meal I was served on the plane. I'm not sure what it was.... I ate the chocolate part... :)
"Before" and "After" of a bulletin board I created!
My first meal here was a traditional Portuguese dish (I wish I could remember the name!) and I enjoyed it very much! The teachers have also taken me out for Brazilian ice cream and to a Brazilian buffet. The buffets here are not like in the States - food is limited. After filling your plate, it is weighed. You then pay according to how much your food weighs! Eating salad and little meat is the way to go! :) Nothing has upset my stomach so far! :) While I have been here, I have also had hamburgers, spaghetti, and chicken and mashed potatoes... I think I'll be fine living here for three months! :)
My teacher is a very sweet single lady who has been teaching here for 18 years. *FAMILY: she somewhat reminds me of Mrs. Price* :) I think we will get along just fine. The director and principal of the school (who reminds me of Papa :) is a wonderful guy who is always asking me if there is anything I need or anything he can do to make me more comfortable. Don't worry - I am being taken care of! He likes to tell jokes (kinda like Papa :) and is always the first to laugh (Cassidy! :). I thought I'd share a few:
* "What reason did Adam give to his children for why they lived outside of the garden?
-Your mother ate us out of house and home.
* "Who was the wealthiest man in the Bible?
- Noah - while his stocks were rising, everyone else was liquidizing.
Before I came, my sisters asked me, "What if Brazilians eat really fast? You should probably practice." Some of you may be shocked to hear that there is a teacher here who eats more slowly than I do! After every meal, she says, "Brittany, I'm so glad you're here!" I'm just glad that I'm not the only one too!
After being here for a few days, I have determined that it must be a law to wear soccer jerseys. I could probably count on one hand how many people I have seen that did not have them on!
And just FYI: I killed my first cockroach! (no, it wasn't in my room, praise the LORD!) I was doing my devotions on the couch in the main room and something caught my eye. I smashed it but didn't have the guts to pick it up... and it was interupting my time with God so I sat back down. A minute later, something else caught my eye: the very same cockroach!! FAMILY and DAN: I was like, "Wait, WHAT??!!!" I got up and stomped on it a few times, just to make sure it wouldn't interrupt again. A few minutes later, one had the nerve to crawl down the couch where I was sitting. Of course, I couldn't have that! After I smashed it pretty well, I decided that I should probably get rid of them so someone else didn't find them. I was mostly nervous that they would come back alive in my hands! "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!" ....even kill and throw out cockroaches!! :)
As I continue on this adventure (and what an adventure it is!), I would appreciate your prayers! Specifically, you can pray:
*that I would continue to be a peace where I am
*that I would stay focused on what I am here to do and not be distracted by what is going on at home, at Cedarville, or in Washington D.C. (where a special someone will be shortly :)
*that I would rely on God for strength, encouragement and comfort each day
*that I would be a light for Him in everything I do and say
*that I would take advantage of every opportunity that I have here (it's especially hard when I'm already out of my comfort zone!)
*that I would learn and grow not only in the area of teaching but emotionally and spiritually as well
*that the internet would stay strong so that I can stay in contact with those at home and that when it is down, that I would not get discouraged! (as silly as it sounds!)
I'm sorry this is so long! Future posts should not be this lengthy - I have just not had a chance to get online yet! I still have much more to say, but I will save it for another day! :) Feel free to e-mail me and keep me posted on what is going on in your lives as well!
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Praising HIM all the way in Brazil,
We're proud of you! Thanks for creating this blog to keep us updated on your experiences.
Love you! Mom
I am so proud of you killing those cockroaches! I am glad everything is going well for you!! By the way, I am not sure if there is ANYONE in the world who could eat slower than you- I am having a hard time believing that! I need to see this one!!
- Your friend so many miles away:)
brittany, i am so excited for you! it sounds like you are having an amazing time so far. and you CAN do everything through Christ who gives you strength...as you have told me so many many times. i am praying for you!
so good to hear you're there safely. i'm excited to hear about everything. continue to be confident in the Lord and at peace even though you're out of your comfort zone. He is able to strengthen and sustain you! Love you B! - Sarah
Sounds like you are having a great time and making all of us at WCHS proud of our graduates!!!! I know you are going to have the time of your life, and I'm puzzled by your comments about Washington DC? Are you following the presidential races closely??? :) Dr. Buzz
I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts and experiences, Brittany. (Living in the tropics as a kid, I had LOTS of incidents of cockroach disposal, too. Aarrgh!!) I'll be praying through the requests you've shared. Lots of love...Profe Deb MacKay
Hey Brittany!
Wow, you have some fun adventures so far and I'm sure they won't stop there. :) I'm so excited for you and this wonderful opportunity to be in Brazil. Make the most of every day and each opportunity.
I'll be praying for you
Kate t.
glad to hear you're well. Sorry to hear that you didn't have the guts to deal with that cockroach...did it?
we love you, pray for you & are delighted you are where God wants you to be
dad of the man of your dreams
l liked your blog a lot, l hope you like Brazil too, it was very nice to take a walk with you and Kamila too, l hope we could do it again, l think that at the next sunday l'll not be at A.V.A. 'cause l need to take a test, so pray for me...hugs!!!
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