August 15 is a holiday celebrated in the state of Para to recognize the day that it became part of the Union (I believe that is why we got off of school! :) It was strange to have a break after only being in school for seven days.
I was able to get lots of exercise as we walked around the city. We decided not to take the bus so that I would be able to see more (and it was free! :) My legs are feeling it today.... I love flip-flops, but they are probably not the best touring shoes....
After walking around the city all morning, we stopped to get pizza for lunch. Now, pizza here, as you would expect, is much different than pizza in the States. First of all, it has little to no sauce. Instead, Brazilians often put ketchsup or.... are you sitting down?....mayonnaise... on top. Then come the toppings. They begin with what we may consider "normal" : ham, olives, and tomatoes. Then..... they add eggs and peas.... (*AUNT LISA: I wouldn't recommend the pizza to you! :) I wish I had taken a picture to show you! I will admit that as I was serving myself, I "struggled" with getting the pizza to my plate. In the process, I lost an olive and a good amount of eggs and peas. I wasn't able to put ketchup or mayonnaise on top of my pizza. But I did enjoy what remained of my piece. :)
My tour guides took me to multiple squares, one of which is known for a "Hippie Fair". I did not buy anything, but scoped out the stands for next time. It was quite the place!
This picture reminds me of "Mulan" for some reason.... :) (and then I think of *Megan Nish*!! :)
After walking around in the heat, we went to the mall for ice cream. Once again, I forget what I had. However, I know it was a Brazilian fruit flavor with Brazilian nut and chocolate pieces. I would recommend it! We decided that we deserved some rest time, so we went to a movie. Now, I am sure that many of you are thinking, "A movie? How could YOU see a movie in BRAZIL?!" Let me explain: in Brazil, they watch American movies in English with Portuguese subtitles. It reminded me of watching movies in Spanish class with English subtitles. I surely wouldn't like it! However, yesterday, it was fine with me! :)
What a great day!
Thanks, Kamila and Eliseu, for being wonderful tour guides!! I had a lot of fun!
Goodness B....didn't know you had all those words in you!!! Ha Ha....but I do enjoy the descriptive speech....feels like I am right there, ready to catch one of those falling pizza olives....the peas however....well... they are on their own.......Aunt Cheryl
This is great info to know.
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