Monday, September 10, 2007

Cockroaches, Tarantulas and Ants! Oh my!

I have made it nearly 6 weaks without seeing bugs other than mosquitoes in my room. I have yet to get a bite from a fire ant and I have yet to see a tarantula. I am okay with the first. Surprisingly, I wouldn't mind seeing a tarantula. At least I thought so...

A few nights ago, two women staying in the guest house arrived in their room to find a tarantula on the ceiling. I was not pleased to hear this - not at all. I can handle looking at creepy-crawly things at the zoo. However, when they are in the room right next to mine... I just don't have a peace about that. I changed my mind about seeing a tarantula....

In my very first post, I wrote about killing two cockroaches. Believe it or not, I had not seen one since.... until this evening. I was walking down the hallway to my room after dinner. There was a large object on the floor in the middle of the hallway. By now, I just assume they are critters rather than hoping that they are leaves or something. For two seconds, I actually even hoped that it was a tarantula! Ha! However, I was met with something that was totally repulsive: a MASSIVE COCKROACH! I tried to step around it to get to my room. No, I was not about to step on it. With my previous experience of having to squish it multiple times (and this one being 4 times as large) and realizing that I had my favorite flip-flops on (and absolutely hate feeling the crunching under my foot), I decided to pass by it this time. (yes, you can laugh at me now...) In the process of stepping around it, I scared it (surprise! I'm 1000 times bigger than it!). It scampered away.... under the door to the bedroom beside me... whoops... I don't think anyone is staying there tonight... I hope no one is staying there tonight...

Someone sent me an e-mail last week about flying cockroaches. SICK! I have been praying about that ever since. I can handle things on the floor. However, when they are able to go around any way they please, my feelings change.... *HERBSTS and MAGEES - I get hot sweats, cold sweats, fingernail sensitivity, numb lips.... you name it, Bob. *

I thought I would spare you and not post a pictures of one of these lovely creatures. No, I have not taken a picture of one... And I am not exactly planning on it... :)

The student teacher hasn't been feeling super the past few days. I'm sure he would appreciate your prayers! I was reminded that I should be thanking God for the health that He has blessed me with during my 5 1/2 weeks here! Food has not bothered me (I have had very few things I do not like), the climate has not affected me, and I have yet to find something I'm allergic to. PRAISE HIM! How miserable it would be if I was feeling yucky. (D-that was for you :) He is also to be praised for His continual blessing of safety. Being a blond, white girl in a foreign country can oftentimes not been the greatest thing. The driving here is also a little crazier than I would prefer. However, He is holding me in His hand! I am blessed indeed!

Praising HIM in Brazil,


Anonymous said...


To my shame I've not been checking in on you regularly, but got caught up today. Hope the fingernail sensitivity et al was short lived.

We do pray for you faithfully. We are glad to read of your confidence in the Lord & your witness for Him as well.

God bless you. We love you.

d's dad

Anonymous said...

So...two things...can you send me a cockroach overnight? I have to take a picture of an organism and answer questions about it for Biology...much appreciated! I'll be waiting by the mailbox.

Second, as much as Dan does not believe the word yucky is a word, it is in the dictionary, and if it is there, it must be right.

miss you!! Looking forward to seeing you in a month and a half!