We are in the "dry season" right now, but it has rained nearly everyday since I have been here. Today it poured hard enough for a soccer game to be postponed! Imagine that!
I have realized something in the past few days: I'm not on vacation. This has a few implications. The main one that I have been thinking about is food. You know when you go on vacation or visit a new place and you want to try all the new foods? Well, I am doing that.... and I am enjoying it.... too much... I may gain the freshman 15+ afterall.... :)
Tomorrow begins week three of school. I will be adding a few more subjects to my lesson planning and will now be teaching: math, phonics, reading, spelling, and Bible. Although I only have 6 second graders, I feel like I have a full class!
However, Stacy, the precious first grade girl who I talked about before, has different thoughts about me teaching. On Friday, I asked the students to go to their desks so that we could begin. Stacy looked at me and said, "You're just the second grade teacher. Miss Storms is the first grade teacher. I don't have to listen to you." I explained that I was her teacher too, just like Miss Storms. She crawled to her desk...
I am learning to be more strict. It is something that all my advisors have told me to work on when they observed me in previous classrooms. Last week I wrote names on the board (which is not a good thing - it means they stay in during recess - and can lead to further consequences) and even had a student stay after school to finsih some work! I could not believe myself! I don't know if I should be proud of myself for not giving into the students, or feel ashamed for doing so.... I guess it's good practice for the future.... or least for dealing with my own kids...
Well, I'm off to bed. I have to get up with the rooster at the crack of dawn (*CASSIDY AND ALICIA*). And unfortunately, I'm not joking.....
Thank you all for your prayers and for the comments and e-mails!
From the heat of BRAZIL,
1 comment:
So good to read your blog...finally! I will do a better job keeping up with it now! I think I might like the Brazilian way of pizza...with a little will have to try it sometime and let me know how it is!
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